Something about which I wondered today...

Should I move my political views to a new blog? Check out MisLeading Wisconsin for the latest in Scott Walker's contradictions.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Good Boat

I got the call from my doctor yesterday regarding the results of my brain MRI.

It's not MS.

Actually, that should be IT'S NOT MS!!!!!!

They have no idea what is causing my limb numbness and assorted symptoms, but after conceding it sure seemed like multiple sclerosis, it turns out it isn't.  I know many people live okay with MS for years, but I didn't want to be one of them.  It's conceivable that the causes behind my symptoms are even more insidious than MS would be, but them not knowing has given me new hope that it may be okay someday, that I might be okay. 

I'd be incredibly remiss without thanks to God (although I thank him, too, especially now, for days I can walk, things I can do, friends and family).

Hey, but with not knowing what this is, I'm in pretty much the same boat I was two weeks ago--except with MS ruled out.

That's a pretty good boat to be in.

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